WiseERP Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
Any organization needs to deal and manage numerous different departments and processes.
Inventory, purchasing, manufacturing, marketing, quality assurance, deliveries control and well relation with the costumers are just some of the aspects that a strong company need to take care of for success and maximizing her profits consistently.
Would you like to manage everything in one system?
Wise ERP and CRM is a pure, friendly and easy to use Web app integrates the management of all the information, needs and processes across the entire organization.
Simple and friendly use & fully system integration:
- Internet system works from anywhere in any media – browsers, tablets and smartphones.
- Modern technology (.Net HTML 5, CSS3) works with a single database, unified and individual capable of analysis and data mining and statistics multidimensional.
- Full connection and collaboration with existent systems and databases which launch the organization including drawing systems, PLM&PDM and CAD&CAM.
- Peripheral interfaces, software in the Windows environment.
- Information typed “once” and flows according to security criteria and other elements of the system privileges.
- Unlimited number of users and licenses.
- Adapting the screens, menus and the user profile according to his most useful functionalities.
- Multiple screens open or minimized.
- Security and permissions system.
- Saving and observing history of all user activities.
- Direct interfaces integrated in the system for importing and exporting to external systems.
Management & control all processes in one place:
- (Wise HR) – Human Resources Module
- (Wise FM) – Finance Module
- (Wise BCM) – Budget Control Module
- (Wise BPS) – Tasks Control Module
- (Wise SCM) – Purchase & stock Inventory & S.C.M.
- (Wise MES) – Products Module & Production Floor Control Module
- (Wise TTM) – Transportation & Technician Module
- (Wise MM) – Maintenance Module
- (Wise PDM) – P.D.M & P.L.M Module
- (Wise KM) – B.I. & O.L.A.P + K.M Module
- (Wise QA) – Quality Assurance Module
- (Wise ES) – e-Site (Internet B.2.C & B.2.B+Portal)
- Possibility for a full collaboration with our (Wise CRM) – costumer relationship management
Wise ERP is implemented and fits all kinds of businesses in all sizes.
ERP Figure processes information system (ERP Module List)